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How to edit the footprint of a user contributed component?
2992 5
lyseoy 5 years ago
I'm trying to verify (and if needed correct) the footprint for a TD2030-MCP-FP Tag-Connect cable connector. Yes, this has been asked and answered on the forum before, but when I follow the instructions I only get the schematic view of the "component". I can't see how I can open edit the footprint. How do I do this?
andyfierman 5 years ago
Please read (2.3) in (2) in: [](
lyseoy 5 years ago
OK, I did. Your article taught me that the place I was looking for is called "PCB lib editor", but it didn't say how to get there. Found out by a lot of clicking around that I had to click the "footprint preview window" on the right side in the library window. That was all I needed to know. I've got to say, if that was the only way to get there, that certainly wasn't very intuitive...
andyfierman 5 years ago
Sorry but this is why we ask people to read the Tutorial. Otherwise we have to explain everything everywhere. Shift+F > Search Libraries tool; Search for the part; Select the part: Then: Right-click > Edit. ![image.png](// Or: Edit button at the bottom of the window. ![image.png](//
lyseoy 5 years ago
Neither of the methods you describe (both of which I already tried) open the "PCB Lib Editor"; they open the "Schematic Lib Editor". This is what I clicked to open it: ![Clipboard01.jpg](// This wouldn't (and shouldn't) need explanations or forum discussions if the command wasn't missing from the two intuitive places you just mentioned.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Select PCB libs on the Types bar.
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