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How to handle a part with two pins on the same net
303 1
wm8s 3 years ago
I have a board with three LCSC part C95463 3.5mm TRS jacks connected in parallel (T to T to T, R to R to R, etc.): ![image.png](// The jack is build such that T, R, and S each come out on two pins, for mechanical stability, but internally they are electrically connected together by a metal strap that spans across the top of the connector: ![image.png](// So I don't need to connect the two "T" pins together, or the two "R" pins, or the two "S" pins. **_But_**, the way the footprint exists in the library, if I don't connect the two corresponding pins together, I get unrouted ratlines, and DRM tells me there are orphaned nets: ![image.png](// How can I tell the software that these pins are connected internally? I would think the footprint already has this covered: ![image.png](// Yes, I could work around, but I'm looking for the "right" way to fix this, so workaround suggestions aren't needed. Thanks! ...R
andyfierman 3 years ago
This is why I posted this Feature Request: [](<br> <br> Note the reply from UserSupport.
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