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How to create a single layer PCB
14760 10
UserSupport 6 years ago
**How to layout a single layer PCB?** How to create single layer PCB? How to make single layer PCB? How to do a single layer PCB? The PCB copper layers of EasyEDA are double, if you want to layout a single layer PCB(such as only layout on the bottom layer), you can route the track and copper on the bottom layer, and without placing via. If you are using the footprints which have the multi-layer pads, that will appear on the top and bottom layer, then you need to change all multi-layer pads "Plated" as "No". ![image.png](// and generate the Gerber, decompress the Gerber zip file, delete the layers which you don't need(such as toplayer, topsilklayer, topsoldermakslayer,toppastemakslayer), ![image.png](// and re-compress the Gerber to a zip file, and order it.
phamduyscb 6 years ago
Thanks so much
vinay607 6 years ago
@phamduyscb hello brother i cant understand how to convert a double layer pcb into a single layer ..please help on this gmail id
andyfierman 6 years ago
1. Place your through hole parts on the top layer of the pcb. The footprints for these parts will have multi-layer pads. By default, all multi-layer pads are set to through-plated so after placing them you will have to set them all to non-through-plated. To do this, select every multilayer pad (CTRL+left-click) then set their **Plated** attribute to **No**. 2. Place your surface mount parts on the bottom layer of the pcb. To do this, select every SMD footprint (CTRL+left-click) then select **BottomLayer** in the top right of the right hand panel.  3. Route your tracks on the Bottom layer only.  4. Do the checks in (6) in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f]( 5. Generate the Gerber files. 6. Download the zip of the Gerber files. 7. Unzip the Gerber files and then delete the four files ending in: **.GTL**, **.GTP**, **.GTO** and **.GTS**.  8. Re-zip the remaining files and submit and order your single sided PCBs from JLCPCB. * Note that there is no cost advantage in ordering a single sided PCB from JLCPCB so you might as well save all this extra work just do a double layer board. That way you get an extra layer to route on plus all the advantages of a professional quaility double layer board with through plated holes. :)
MikeDB 6 years ago
I just had a look around and unless you are making about 10,000 units, most 'single sided' supplies seem to just be the doubled sided process anyway.  So I agree with Andy - get a double sided board :-)
andyfierman 6 years ago
Many people who ask about how to make a single sided board are hobbyists who still want to muck about with ferric chloride baths or CNC milling machines (I've bought one so I'm going to use it!). Some see it as a quick and cheaper way to prototype before committing to a larger order. This usually seems counterproductive and shortsighted and therefore not cost effective. Some are students who are stuck with whatever processes and equipment their school or college mandates. Again shortsighted since students learn nothing about the real industrial processes of modern PCB fabrication. We should probably try to promote EasyEDA much more to colleges. I generally try to advise people of the advantages of using proper PCB manufacture and - if they really don't want or cannot afford to - about the proper handling and disposal of used ferric chloride etc. There's an interesting comparison to draw between the proper disposal of hobbyist vs. big but poorly regulated commercial PCB fabs...
MikeDB 6 years ago
Ok - that rings true.  I just wish I'd had JLCPCB offering double sided boards for $2 when I was an undergrad.  I'd have happily paid that much back then to save all that messing around with Veroboard !!
andyfierman 6 years ago
Me too! My final year project was a sequencer for an analogue synthesiser. It looked like a toast rack inside with card guides made of plastic loose leaf A4 spine bars. I got a (very small) standing ovation from the assembled lectrurers and students when I demonstrated it driving my rudimentary home-made synth using a theme based on from the opening bars of Tubular Bells. Happy days.
MikeDB 6 years ago
That sounds the sort of thing I wanted to do for my final year project.  But instead I ended up tracking ultrasonic pebbles up and down Southampton water. But it did become an Open University example project.  They never told me if that was because it was good or bad, though I expect it was because it was rather short as I couldn't afford to pay the typist much so it saved them paper.  Oh how word processors have changed things - some modern project reports look like War and Peace with more references than I had total text.
chinhnguyenvn188 8 months ago
how? why it is so complicated?
haidy_easyeda 8 months ago
@chinhnguyenvn188 Hello, if you encounter any problems in easyeda, you can contact the email, I will send you a tutorial![](//)
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