**How to layout a single layer PCB?**
How to create single layer PCB?
How to make single layer PCB?
How to do a single layer PCB?
The PCB copper layers of EasyEDA are double, if you want to layout a single layer PCB(such as only layout on the bottom layer), you can route the track and copper on the bottom layer, and without placing via.
If you are using the footprints which have the multi-layer pads, that will appear on the top and bottom layer, then you need to change all multi-layer pads "Plated" as "No".

and generate the Gerber, decompress the Gerber zip file, delete the layers which you don't need(such as toplayer, topsilklayer, topsoldermakslayer,toppastemakslayer),

and re-compress the Gerber to a zip file, and order it.