**This How to topic describes the process of uploading projects to OSHWLAB.**
**This topic also describes a bug in this process that generates an incorrect link for sharing a project that is uploaded to OSHWLAB.**
* **A Bug Report has been raised to correct this:**
Create and save a new Project then right click and select **Manage Project > Share**:

The Share popup opens:

Click Confirm.
A new page on OSHWLab opens:

Fill in the information required in the red dotted entries.
Note that the Project Name must be between 4 and 32 characters.
At the bottom of the page, click **Publish and Share**:

Click Share Project in the page that opens:

In the popup that opens, copy only the **Project homepage link**.
* Do not copy the Open In Editor link: this does not appear to work.

Click **Confirm**.
**To share the project from the EasyEDA Editor** after it has been put onto OSHWLab.com:
Refresh the projects list:

Then right click **Manage project > Share** and copy either link or the QR code from the popup:
