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How to make connectable and exposed copper areas?
2246 7
Levente Csoba 3 years ago
**Hi all,** I'm making a PCB to replace my old calculator's circuit, so I could read which button was pressed and use it with an arduino. I used the _"copper area"_ tool to make the connectable key pads. By connectable I mean, the calculator has a squishy layer with pads for each key made of some conductive material between the actual buttons and the PCB, so when a key is pressed, the conductive area gets pressed against the PCB, closing the circuit. Turns out, the _"copper area"_ tool isn't what I was looking for, but I've already _made the shapes and positioned everything_ at the right place. Is there a way to convert the copper area polygons into something, that would work as I intended (expose some copper so the circuit can be closed when a button is pressed)? **My design:** ![Képernyőkép erről: 2020-05-28 21-42-16.png](// The key pads in question can be found on the top layer. I hope the design clarifies what I'm trying to achieve, if you need further explanation, please indicate it. **Thanks in advance!**
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
Hello ; Regarding your design the buttons will be like a jumper between the two half of "circle" that you draw on you circuit! If this a XY matrix keypad than I don't see anything wrong with the functionality as long as your buttons is conductive material to connect the two cooper areas that you draw for each button. About the cooper area you can just configure it to be placed in the top layer or bottom layer otherwise you can use the solid region option to draw new spots or if you already have the buttons design somewhere just upload the design as PNG image and place it in the top layer and duplicate it for all buttons. Good design by the way.
Levente Csoba 3 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport Alright, this is great news. Thanks a lot!
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
@csobal26 if you will keep the buttons as copper areas than it won't work when you put your jumper buttons since copper areas will be covered by the solder mask.. you must update the design with some spots on the **top solder mask layer** and/or some **top solder mask layer** shapes for each buttons, otherwise it will be not functional with these copper area shapes only. I advice you to update your design with new shapes that you upload them on the **top solder mask layer. **This is the best option that I see for you here. ![Custom Pad.JPG](// Please note that the shape you draw for the button is correct in terms of functionality but will operate correctly only if it is on the **top solder mask layer**
Levente Csoba 3 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport Yes, got it, thanks again! Just a thing, should I put the spots on the top solder mask layer ON TOP of the existing copper areas, or just completely get rid of the copper areas?
YoungUser 3 years ago
Hallo I've made some custom PADS from a DXF file. I would like to cover them with the insulating paint that is usually on the copper tracks. How can I specify that?
andyfierman 3 years ago
@csobal26, Please see: [](
andyfierman 3 years ago
@YoungUser, Please do not hijack threads. You are asking a different question to that of this topic so your post here is unhelpful for others searching for information about a question similar to yours. Please see: [](
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