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How to place a components precisely according to their dimensions?
578 2
Denis Khartskhaev 1 year ago
I would like to place the components precisely according to their dimensions. Is it possible to link components to the dimensions? If so, how?![1.png](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
Footprints have an origin somewhere. The position of the origin is up to the designed of the Footprint  and so it may be pin 1, a corner or a centre position. In poorly constructed Footprints it may be at some arbitrary point. The first thing to do then is to find out where the origin of each Footprint that you wish to position is. The work out what XY offset you may need to apply in order to place the Footprint in an exact position with respect to the PCB origin. Then you can edit the XY coordinates of the Footprint on the PCB to position it exactly. If you have several Footprints that you wish to place you can use the Distribute Array tool: [](<br> <br>
Denis Khartskhaev 1 year ago
@andyfierman Thanks for the answer!
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