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How to prevent "uncontrolled" connection between top and bottom copper area ground planes
479 3
Bengt Nilsson 3 years ago
Hi, In order to avoid ground loops, I would like to connect top and bottom layer GND copper areas at one single dedicated via only. However, some of my footprints (e.g. cable connector headers) are multilayer and will make a thru-plated connection between top and bottom for any GND net pin. What is the best way to avoid this, while still having thru-hole mounts for the headers? BN
Bengt Nilsson 3 years ago
Hi again, I am sorry to waste everybody's time, I have found the answer myself. I use a Solid Region, mode No Solid, net EXCLUDE, on my TopLayer, enclosing the GND pin pads I want to keep disconnected from the topside. Then the TopLayer copper fill does not include the GND pin pads on my headers. The net name EXCLUDE is just arbitrary, could be anything but GND. But maybe not another net in use. BN
andyfierman 3 years ago
@bnilsson11, "The net name EXCLUDE is just arbitrary..." The key point is that the net name must be **unique**, i.e. it must not exist anywhere else in the schematic and therefore in the PCB.
Bengt Nilsson 3 years ago
@andyfierman Thanks for the clarification. It is logical.
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