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How to remove holes?
2503 6
rexlcd 6 years ago
Hi! I have the BNO055 absolute orientation sensor that I want to use in a project ([]( However, its PCB has 4 holes in each corner and, because of that, when I place it on my project PCB, it creates those holes in my PCB too. I don't use those holes, so there's no reason I want to keep them. How can I remove them? I already tried to clone the component to my lib and modify its PCB, but when I save it I receive "Permission denied". However, I can modify its schematic with no problems. So what gives? Thanks a lot!
UserSupport 6 years ago
[]( find it and edit it, and then delete the hole , and save as your personal lib. then use your personal lib
rexlcd 6 years ago
Thank you for your response! I did that, but now how do I replace the original component on my PCB with the modified one and keep the schematic?
rexlcd 6 years ago
I'm asking this because I use a PCB generated from the schematic. If I remove the original component and add my personal lib, the ratlines connected to it won't appear anymore.
andyfierman 6 years ago
Update the PCB package assigned to the schematic symbol in the schematic from the original to your new one. Then do Update PCB.
I have this problem too
andyfierman 5 years ago
@kvjwijenayaka, As explained above: 1. See: []( 2. Find the PCB footprint that you want to edit; 3. Open it for editing. 4. Edit it; 5. Save it with a unique name (it will then appear in your personal lib); 6. Select the symbol in your schematic that is to be assigned the edited package; 7. Update the **Package** attribute assigned to the schematic symbol in the schematic from the original to your new one;  8. Check the pin mappings;  9. Save the schematic;  10. Then do **Update PCB...** See also: (2.2), (2.3) and go through the checklists (4), (5) and (6) in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
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