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How to remove unwanted pin holes in the PCB part?
1051 11
RobLatour 1 year ago
This is the part that is being placed on my board: ![ss0.jpg](// Here is how it is showing up on my PCB ![ss2.jpg](// However, there are only 8 pins on the part, so I only want 8 of the 16 pin holes placed on my board. How do I get rid the unneeded extra pins in the footprint manager (if that is where it is done)? ![ss.jpg](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
The Symbol and associated footprint that you have chosen is a User Contributed part and the footprint is incorrectly constructe. Please submit an error report: ![image.png](// You can edit and save your own, corrected version with a unique name and a clear Description to easily identify and distinguish it from the original part. Please also see the main Tutorial (1), as well as (2.3) in (2) in: [](<br> <br>
RobLatour 1 year ago
Thanks I tried to clone the existing part, which I could do.  I then edited the schematic fine.  I then saved the schematic.  In doing this I gave it a new name. I then tried to edit the PCB representation, which I could do.  I then deleted the unneeded pads, which I could do. But then I tried to save it, and I got a 'Permissions denied' error message.
RobLatour 1 year ago
ok, I reported the error. When you report an error, who looks at it - the original author or EasyEDA staff? If EasyEDA staff, what is the turn around for getting it fixed. I'm curious as I've now got my PCB designed and ready to order except for this one issue. Thanks
RobLatour 1 year ago
Edit: re the problem with saving above: I just noticed, after make a clone the owner of the cloned schematic is me, however the owner of the cloned PCB drawing still has the original author's name associated with it; which is likely why I am getting a permission denied error when I go to save it. (also re: (2.3) in (2) in the link above, before posting anything here I did watch a youtube video that describes how to design a model, but it looked rather involved as does the write up in 2.3 in the link above, so that is why I was hoping I could just clone and tweak the existing model). In any case, I have reported the error in the model - hopefully someone will fix it soon and get back to me.  If not, I noticed I can request a model be added - but that takes three days :-). Thanks <br> <br>
andyfierman 1 year ago
You can edit the **Contributor** name by editing the **File Source**: ![image.png](// but be careful to note and preserve the exact file syntax. For reference: I don't know if you really needed to create a new symbol. You could probably have just created an edited footprint and then just assigned that to the original symbol. OTOH, by creating a new symbol and a new footprint, you remove any confusion about which footprint to use. I don't think that for User Contributed parts, EasyEDA support will or can fix the problem. You could create the new symbol and footprint and then try submitting a new error report asking for the original symbol and footprint to be removed from the library and reference your new, corrected ones. To edit an existing footprint (or symbol), you can open the original in the Footprint (or symbol) and then just do Save As... The EasyEDA Tutorial covers the basics of symbol and footprint creation and editing: []( [](<br> <br>
RobLatour 1 year ago
I tried changing the contributor (and clicking Apply), but then I still got the permissions denied message and could not save the changes to the PCB model. ![ss3.jpg](// ![ss4.jpg](// I then went back to see what the contributor's name was on the cloned schematic, and it was the original author.  I changed the schematic's contributor to my name and applied and saved it fine.  However, I could always change the cloned schematic and change it anyway. I then tried the PCB model again, that is to say tried to change the contributor, click 'Apply', and make a change to the PCB model but it still would not save - giving me the Permissions denied error.
RobLatour 1 year ago
I gave up on this and built one from scratch.   I'm not sure if it is right, but it appears ok.
RobLatour 1 year ago
one last question, the pins on the component I am working with are .4 mm thick. Having that said, is .5mm the hole size I should be using?
RobLatour 1 year ago
(by the way ChatGPT says I should use .45 mm to .5 mm for the hole size, a Google search says I should use .7mm, and the model I tried to clone (but fail at cloning) is using .61 mm.)
RobLatour 1 year ago
Well I went ahead with .61mm - wish me luck :-)
andyfierman 1 year ago
As explained in the document (2.3) referred to above, you should find the datasheets for your chosen device and use the hole sizes and spacings as specified for the PCB footprint drawing in that.
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