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How to scale dxf for use as a template
1482 1
LegendOfRock69 4 years ago
So i am looking at cloning a certain board, I have tried to get just the image into easy eda to use as a template but it will only import as a logo type image (smoothing etc.) So what I did was go into a photo editor and colored over the traces in yellow and made the rest of the board a dark blue in hopes that it would come out alright. It didnt end up happening. So I took my file and converted it to a DXF and it comes out as a perfect template, however it is too big and ive tried scaling it, then importing it but have had no luck. My question is, what is a good way to scale a dxf image down to where I want it ? Or alternatively, is there any way I can scale my components to be bigger to fit properly within my DXF image?
andyfierman 4 years ago
Try: Making your image bigger than you need; 1. Import it as an image; 2. scale it back down to original size using the Image Size: adjustment in the EasyEDA insert image to PCB tool; 3. place the scaled image into the PCB then, as long as your original image isn't blotchy, you should get a well defined image in copper on the target layer. "...however it is too big and ive tried scaling it, then importing it but have had no luck." Any idea why? Can you scale it in LibreCAD?
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