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How to use Ohms symbol on Schematic
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Brian Cohen 4 years ago
Hi. This is a question from a noob. I did read the posting ediquite first. I have a friend who is and EE tutoring me in basic circut design . He is insistant that I be able to label resistors with an omega as well as a "k". I cannot figure out a way to do it. Can you assist?
andyfierman 4 years ago
There's no dedicated tool to do it in EasyEDA. Copy and paste: Ω or just type: Ohm **Note:** Because the Ohm symbol is so awkward and often gets mangled by font substitutions into a W and therefore confused with Watt, most EDA tools and modern EE practice is to omit any Ω  or Ohm suffix in a schematic. Many omit F and H for Farads and Henrys simply because the symbols in the schematic are unambiguous and you have a prefix that tells you what it is so it's also unambiguous in the Bill of Materials where you do not have a symbol as a guide. Also, resistances can often be quoted like 3R3 for 3.3 Ohms or 0R5 for 0.5 Ohms. It is also accepted practice to use 'u' instead of 'μ' gain because it can sometimes be mangled by font substitution. In the case of simulation tools, the 'μ' symbol has to be replaced by 'u' anyway. Some simulators can do that for you but it is best to just get into the habit of using 'u'. Lastly although 'm' means milli (1e-3) and 'M' means Mega (1e6) in non-simulation schematics, in most simulation tools (except CircuitLab) the suffix is case insensitive so 'm' = 'M' = 1e-3 which causes no end of confusion for newcomers to simulators. If you need 1e6 in a simulator you must type 'Meg'.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Oh yeah, And nobody uses bridges anymore where wires cross. :)
ResistanceRoom 4 years ago
I agree with Andy, i've seen a ton of profesionally made shcematics and I can't recall even one time there was an omega. 4k7 means 4700Ω  4R7 means 4.7Ω You know the item is a resistor because of the symbol and name (R7 for example, you can already tell it is a resistor because of the R) so you can expect a numerical value to be the resistance value, what else could it be?
ResistanceRoom 4 years ago
I usually put them like this: ![image.png](//
Denis Collis 4 years ago
Hi Brian, Notwithstanding the rare use of the Ω symbol in industry, educational norms may differ. On Windows you can copy and paste from the System Character Map, or you can use an 'ALT Shortcut'.   For Ω, just type ALT+234  —  that is, with the ALT key depressed, type 2,3, and 4 on your keyboard's numeric pad, then release the ALT key. Voilà!   (The accented à here is ALT+0224)
andyfierman 4 years ago
@denis.collis, Good point but it begs the question of what are we trying to educate people for? If industry no longer bothers with the omega symbol, does it make sense teaching students to use it when once they go into that industry, they will get the explanations given above as to why it's no longer in common use? I suspect that thermionic emission is no longer taught (it was when I did physics but that was nearly 50 years ago now!) so why worry about the omega symbol? BTW: On my laptop running Linux Mint, **ALT+234** just toggles through the browser window tabs but **ALT GR+SHIFT+Q** gives: **Ω**. :)
Brian Cohen 4 years ago
Hey Guys, Thank you all very much. This was actually very helpful. Here's some context to the question. My friend is in industry for over 30 yrs. I am looking to learn just enough to be dangerous with electric guitar wiring and effects building / modification. he has been trying to get me interested in this since college. Now that I have down time I have no exuse.  He is in North Carolina and I am in PA. (USA) so this is distance learning. I suspect his insistance is for the purpose of learning fundamentals and to get me into a mindset. I also expect once I display compotence he will ease up on this. The reminder @ the Ω Charater map was helpful too.
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