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HowTo Map symbol,footprint and 3Dview
1309 2
Guicar 3 years ago
Hello all, I didn't find the way to map (make an association) between  symbol, footprint and 3D model. I uploaded the 3D component made from and .obj and .mtl file but I didn't the way to map it with an exiting footprint neither a new one. Direction will be much appreciated. Regards,
andyfierman 3 years ago
**Before you start:** Make sure that you have given the Footprint and the 3D model some suitable Tag(s). <br> **Associating Footprints: ** If you are working on a symbol in the Symbol Editor: click on Footprint in the right hand panel under Custom Attributes to open the Footprint Manager. If you are working on a symbol in the Schematic Editor: select the symbol and then click on Footprint in the right hand panel under Custom Attributes to open the Footprint Manager. In the **Footprint Manager**: Click the **Select** tab. (Instead of Search) Click in the 'Tags' dropdown box.....wait..... ....and your custom footprints should appear in the space under 'Filter'. Clicking 'All' should show you all the footprints you've created. Then select the one you want, check and if necessary, edit the pin to pad assignments then click Update in the bottom right corner of the Footprint Manager. <br> **Associating 3D Models:** If you are working on a Footprint in the Footprint Editor or in a PCB layout: Click on **Tools > 3D Model Manager...** to open the 3D Model Manager. In the 3D Model Manager: Try entering your 3D Model in the **Search** tab otherwise, click the **Select** tab. Click in the 'Tags' dropdown box.....wait..... ....and your custom 3D Models should appear in the space under 'Filter'. Clicking 'All' should show you all the 3D Models you've created. Then select the one you want, check it then click Update in the bottom right corner of the Footprint Manager.
Guicar 3 years ago
Thank you very much for your quick input. I got the way !
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