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How do I clear a Junction point that I don't want
3689 3
dgschwartz-440 10 years ago
How do I clear a Junction point that I don't want? Thanks David440
example 10 years ago
Do you mean the dot that appears at the junction of where two or more wires join? To delete the junction dot in that situation you need to delete the extra wires until you have less that two at any point on the net. If you have one in a length of wire but there are no visible wires joining at that point then it is likely that you have another wire exactly overlapping the wire showing the dot. Another possibility is if you have a junction dot on the outer end of a component pin but no visible wire joining at that point then you have a wire overhanging the end of a component pin, from the wire in towards the body of the component. The easiest way to find the cause is to press the `D` Hotkey to select and then move the wire or component to one side to then see if the wire was overhanging a pin or was hiding another wire segment underneath it. Then adjust the wire length or delete the revealed segment. Sometimes the hidden wire may remain invisible. If you grab the junction dot, you can often pull the wire out of hiding and then delete it. Another trick is to select the longer segment you think might be hiding a wire and then do: **Align > Send to Back** from the top toolbar and then select and delete the segment that is now at the front.
dillon 10 years ago
Select it, then press `DEL` key
dgschwartz-440 10 years ago
Thanks Dillon! it works
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