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How do you connect bus wiring tool
7077 8
sedric1 10 years ago
example 10 years ago

For passive schematics (i.e. not for simulation) you can use the Bus button on the Wiring Tools floating palette to trace out the bus.

Then use the Bus Entry button next to it on the same palette to place a tear off to each pin.

example 10 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to add that unfortunately, simulation schematics cannot be drawn with busses, they have to be drawn using the Wire button from the Wiring Tools palette.

dillon 10 years ago

bus is just a symbol, you can take it as a polyline, not a wire, no electronic . you need to add netlabel to every wire which connect to the bus.

dillon 10 years ago

Alt text

dillon 10 years ago

Alt text

andyfierman 10 years ago

When adding netlabels to connect nets together, they must be placed either on the symbol pins or wires (not polylines) connected to the symbol pins.

In Dillon's illustration above, the horizontal lines between the pins of U1 and the 45 degree lines of the bus tear-off (or bus ripper) - onto which the netlabels: 1A; 1B; etc. have been placed - are wires drawn using the Wire button from the Wiring Tools palette.

pogojustpogo 8 years ago

@Andyfierman, there is no U1 in the illustration linked to in @Dillon's post.

andyfierman 8 years ago


In the two years since Dillon's posts, the whole image I referred to appears to have been lost.

The original image would have looked something like this:

enter image description here


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