You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
How to add CR2032 object to schematic?
1126 3
imoveisnacionais 7 years ago
Hi I am new in pcb design and related. EasyEDA seems amazing. I have been reading some tutorials and videos about it but now I am stucked and I need help I searched for batery holder CR2032 and found a web page with some If I click one and open in editor the module is shown but not in schematic document, a new tab is created. How to add this element to the schematic of my project? Is there any documents explaining that? Thanks a lot Alex
Tutorials 7 years ago
![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20171019/59e88dbfcd336.png
andyfierman 7 years ago
Hi Alex, Welcome to EasyEDA. * To get started easily, please read: :) Always start by creating a schematic. Then do `SHIFT+F` and search for the part: ![enter image description here][1] Look for **Schematic Symbols** for parts listed under **System Components** first. Choose LCSC parts from **System Components** if available for low cost and convenience of supply. * The Schematic Symbol you choose MUST have a PCB footprint shown alongside of it. Place the symbol. Continue through schematic capture. Then when you have a complete schematic, click the `Convert to PCB...` button: ![enter image description here][2] and the schematic will pull in all the correct PCB footprints. [1]: /editor/20171019/59e88c3976b59.png [2]: /editor/20171019/59e88dcb7074c.png
imoveisnacionais 7 years ago
Well, easy and amazing tool! Thanks a lot Alex
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