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How to add extra information to the Bill of Materials (BOM)
4815 2
andyfierman 7 years ago
EasyEDA automatically generates Bill of Materials (BOM) information from the part number and default package information for each part that is placed in a schematic. It is easy to extend this information to include things like a supplier, a supplier's part number and a description. #### Here's how: Add a supplier to the `Custom Attributes` for each part in the schematic by clicking on the `Unknown` field next to `Supplier` and then selecting a supplier from the drop down list: ![enter image description here][1] and then adding a supplier part number or order code: ![enter image description here][2] Next add a Manufacturers part number: ![enter image description here][3] More `Custom Attributes` such as Description can be added by clicking on the `Add new parameter` green plus sign: ![enter image description here][4] Then fill in the fields (tick `In BOM:` if you want this information to appear in the BOM, If `In BOM` is not ticked, the information entered into this new parameter will appear against the part in the schematic but will not be listed in the BOM). ![enter image description here][5] Then click `OK`. The end result will look like this: ![enter image description here][6] Other information such as a url to a datasheet, alternative parts or a brief note about assembly can be added in the same way with the `In BOM` tick box determining what is just shown in the schematic and what is included in the BOM. Finally, to access the BOM, do: **Super Menu > Miscellaneous > BOM report > BOM for Document...** ![enter image description here][7] Then download it in csv format (or in a version tailored for if you have chosen Seeed parts from the SHIFT+F parts search menu): ![enter image description here][8] [1]: /editor/20160913/57d71c98130d3.png [2]: /editor/20160913/57d71d1c6bb11.png [3]: /editor/20160913/57d71e0d0307e.png [4]: /editor/20160913/57d71e7f628f8.png [5]: /editor/20160913/57d71f1fdb825.png [6]: /editor/20160913/57d71f5fa8c67.png [7]: /editor/20160913/57d7240cb3ef9.png [8]: /editor/20160913/57d723aaa87f7.png
andyfierman 7 years ago
One more point: clicking on the little green bar at the right hand end of a Custom Attribute allows that attribute to be removed.
andyfierman 7 years ago
Please note that EasyEDA generates a 'Bill of Materials' or 'BOM' and not a 'Parts List'. The difference is described below. Essentially a 'BOM' lists all the different components used in the schematic together with the quantities of each component and a list of the reference designators (prefix) of each type. So if there are 2 off 1k resistors, R1 and R2 and 3 off 2N3904 transistors, Q1, Q2 and Q3 then the BOM will have 2 lines showing a quantity of 2 for the 1k resistors together with a string of the reference designators, R1, R2 and a quantity of 3 for the transistors together with a string of the reference designators, Q1, Q2, Q3. A basic 'Parts List' lists every component on a separate line with a quantity of 1 and the relevant reference designation of each part. So for the example above, a Parts List would have 5 lines each with a quantity of 1, one line for R1 at 1k, another for R2 at 1k and htree lines for each of Q1, Q2 and Q3 each as 2N3904. Although EasyEDA does not generate a Parts List, it would be possible to write a script using the API and the EasyEDA scripting features to generate a Parts List in almost any format.
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