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How to load Image in your Schematic Background .
3771 2
GerryChen 9 years ago
1、Create a new schematic in Google Chrome Browser. Notice : Other Browsers may not support this function . 2、Screenshot an Image ![enter image description here][1] 3、Then paste it to the Comment ![enter image description here][2] 4、In the schematic ,click the image button and insert Image . ![enter image description here][3] ![enter image description here][4] 5、Click Image ,and go to the Design Manager on the top of right side . ![enter image description here][5] 6、Input in the Image URL. 7、Then put the image address as the suffix of Image URL.. That is to say , put in Image URL. 8、Then the image in the background of Schematic will appear . 9、At last adjust the image to the proper size you want . 10、Done. :) ![enter image description here][6] [1]: /editor/20151020/56260bd61aa5b.png [2]: /editor/20151020/56260bdedcc36.png [3]: /editor/20151020/56260bbb4d116.png [4]: /editor/20151020/56260bc23945a.png [5]: /editor/20151020/56260bf6bb73c.png [6]: /editor/20151020/56260c02407fd.png
andyfierman 9 years ago
To clarify: In GerryChen's post, the suffix of the image URL is just below the bottom of the screenshot of the Comment dialogue box. In this example, the suffix is in the form `/editor/20151020/5625fc993a14c.png` So in the Image URL box in the Properties panel in the Editor screen, you first enter: > then you append: >/editor/20151020/5625fc993a14c.png to create the complete URL as GerryChen showed above: > Note that you do not appear to have to click **Add Comment** for this to work. * **Here's another way to place an image as your Schematic Background:** 1. Go to: >Home > My Account > Project then **Edit** the project information: ![enter image description here][1] 2. In the: >Home > My Account > Edit Project page, upload or drag and drop an image into the **Attachments** area: ![enter image description here][2] When the upload is complete, ![enter image description here][3] **Save** the attachment: ![enter image description here][4] the browser automaticallys goes back to the Project page: >Home > My Account > Project where you can click on the project name: ![enter image description here][5] then right click on the filename in the **Attachments** section and *Copy link address**: ![enter image description here][6] You then follow GerryChens instructions on how to insert an image into the schematic and simply paste the link address you copied in the step above into the Image URL box in the Properties panel in the Editor screen. Note, however, whilst the images appear OK in the schematic in the editor and in **Export**ed **.png** and **.svg** format images, the **preview** of the schematic in the **Home > My Account > Project** page and **Export**ed **.pdf**s of the schematic may have red **Linked image not found** placeholders where the images should be: ![enter image description here][7] [1]: /editor/20151020/56262d2c0aa04.png [2]: /editor/20151020/56262e0aaf884.png [3]: /editor/20151020/56262ee5ecba5.png [4]: /editor/20151020/56262e909a83f.png [5]: /editor/20151020/56262f28e7f6c.png [6]: /editor/20151020/56262fe46fce4.png [7]: /editor/20151020/56263a3b384c3.png
PawelGMA2 8 years ago
![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20170111/58752cc7056e5.jpg
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