You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
How to make a negative image of PCB layouts?
4360 9
mmtpour 7 years ago
Only a mirror option is provided as far as I can see. Thanks.
support 7 years ago
Maybe provide such function later. Why you need this?
mmtpour 7 years ago
I use it for prototyping boards using a photoresist dry film. The procedure is simple and fast (under 20 minutes): print the negative of copper areas on a transparent paper. With the film attached to board (warmed up a little) and the transparent paper positioned correctly on the film, expose to a desk light for 15 minutes or UV-A light for under a minute. the exposed areas become harder to etchant and non-exposed areas are washed off using baking soda. Then etch. The quality is perfect. If decided to provide such a function, please make it work on the mirrored images as well. Thank you
andyfierman 7 years ago
A workaround may be to upload your pdf to: In `Quality settings:` select: `Best quality` and in the `Optional settings > Color` section select the `negate` option Then click `Convert file` and print out the resultant downloaded .png file
mmtpour 7 years ago
@andyfierman The quality is far more acceptable if you set the DPI to 600 dots per inch and check the Enhance option in addition to your instructions. I don't have a clue what all other options do, but I do know that photons are quite precise. Thank you
andyfierman 7 years ago
It sounds as if you doing this so that you can make your own PCBs. Have you had a look at the pricing for ordering them directly from EasyEDA? From your PCB layout, click on the `Fabrication output...` button to see an instant quote for an MOQ of 5 PCBs. ![enter image description here][1] You might be pleasantly surprised. :) [1]: /editor/20160818/57b5cc05db190.png
mmtpour 7 years ago
@andyfierman Sure, That is why I'll be using EasyEDA. I should be able to get my boards delivered to Tehran from Shenzhen. but for prototyping I should do it on my own. Thank you Andy
MSergW 7 years ago
yes, its need options
andyfierman 7 years ago
Please see:
juliaskipper 7 years ago
when it comes to converters, you can also use this [png online converter][1]. [1]:
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