You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
How to negate a layer for hand PCB etching
3936 5
andyfierman 7 years ago
At present (170426), although EasyEDA allows the export of a layer as `Black on White Background`, it does not support the export of a PCB copper layer as a negative (i.e. White on Black Background). * This tip describes a workaround. First, install a copy of the FOSS gerbv from: * If you are running Linux then it is easiest to install gerbv from your distribution's repository. 1. Download and then unzip your Gerber file; 2. In gerbv, open the layer you want to negate (File > Open Layer(s)); 3. Either press `F6` or, in the left hand panel, right-click on the selected layer and click on `Change color`; 4. Set the colour to `#FFFFFF` (white); 5. In the left hand panel, right-click on the selected layer and click on `Invert color`; 6. Then **EITHER** `File > Print` (CTRL+P); 7. **OR** `File > Export`, select the output file format then select where to save the file and enter the desired file name **including** the relevant suffix such as .png or .pdf.
simonjcarr 7 years ago
The work around does not work. The export option changes the size of the image to fill a full page.
kmoller 7 years ago
This can be done on a Linux os convert -density 600 -negate pcb.pdf pcb_neg.pdf
andyfierman 7 years ago
@kmoller, Just tried it: how cool is that? Many thanks for the tip!
kpsthakur 7 years ago
I think there is an easy solution...For windows please down ghostsctipt...the current version is 9.22, once done, please add the exe files to path variable so that he executable is available in any directory (google on how to set system variables if you have to). In command prompt move the directory where you have kept the target pdf. Once in that directory run the following command gswin64 -o inverted.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -c "{1 exch sub}{1 exch sub}{1 exch sub}{1 exch sub} setcolortransfer" -f targetpdf.pdf it will create a inverted.pdf file in the same directory...please replace the actual filename for targetpdf.pdf
kpsthakur 7 years ago
I meant ghostscript 9.22
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