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How to produce gold fingers in pcb
5382 1
susej123 7 years ago
Hello, Can someone please help explain how to produce gold finger in pcb layout . I need to do the gold fingers in the PCB or circuit diagram , so that it can come out as gold finger in gerber file
andyfierman 7 years ago
### 1) Find or create and place a Schematic Symbol of a generic double row connector with the required number of pins: ![enter image description here][1] ### 2) Then find or create and place a suitable PCB footprint for the pads at the edged of the PCB. There are some ready made PCB footprints of suitable pads stacks in the library. * Remember to check all PCB footprints carefully before submitting the PCB for manufacture. Do **SHIFT+F** and search for: `edge` or `finger` ![enter image description here][2] ### 3) Assign the package name and pins of the selected PCB footprint to the package attribute of the Schematic Symbol (See above: click on `Custom Attributes > package`) using the Footprint Manager: ![enter image description here][3] ### 4) Before converting the Schematic to PCB, please read: ### 5) Before submitting the PCB order, please read: ### 6) Select the **Gold Fingers** option box under the **Advanced Options (gold fingers, Panel**) on the PCB order page: ![enter image description here][4] Please also see: [1]: /editor/20171101/59f9965770b95.png [2]: /editor/20171101/59f9ab6916758.png [3]: /editor/20171101/59f9a37787b0b.png [4]: /editor/20171101/59f98f09411f3.png
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