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How to rotate and flip / mirror any item
35068 23
example 10 years ago
**[Rotate]** After selecting one or more items, you can rotate them using: > **Rotate and Flip > Rotate Left** or **Rotate Right** from the **top toolbar** or by pressing the default rotate hotkey: **Space** **[Flip]** You can Flip one or more selected items using: > **Rotate and Flip > Flip Horizontal** or **Flip Vertical** from the **top toolbar** or by pressing the default flip hotkeys: **X** to Flip Horizontal, **Y** to Flip Vertical. [Rotate]: [Flip]:
example 10 years ago
Here's a link to a picture of the **[top toolbar]** on the **[EasyEDA tutorial]**. [top toolbar]: [EasyEDA tutorial]:
example 10 years ago
After selecting one or more items, you can rotate them using the 'R' Hotkey. Please also see [Rotate] in the [EasyEDA Tutorial]. [Rotate]: [EasyEDA Tutorial]:
berhoyt 9 years ago
But often I want to flip a whole block of things at once. Both PCB and Schematic. How can I do this? Right now I have designed a front panel PCB layout with NPTH slots for various things ... and I designed it backwards. How can I flip it? Selecting and pressing 'F' doesn't work. Even grouping it as a part and pressing 'F' doesn't work.
dillon 9 years ago
@berhoyt, You can place the component at bottom layer on PCB.
berhoyt 9 years ago
@dillon. How do I place a component on the bottom of the PCB? I can't seem to do it by pressing 'f', 't' or 'b'. Several problems: 1. You didn't answer my question about flipping a block on the same side of the PCB. 2. Now block rotate doesn't work properly. It only rotates each component at its own location rather than rotating them all around the centre of the block. I don't understand what makes it do this. Something has gone bad because on a previous version of the same board it works ok to rotate the whole block around the block centre. 3. I can place a component on the bottom of the PCB if I have that layer selected when I begin. But how do I move a component to the bottom? Pressing 'f' or 't' or 'b' doesn't work.
dillon 9 years ago
@berhoyt 1) You just need to active the bottom layer, then you can place the components to bottom layers. ![Place compoents on bottom layer][1] 2) You can change the attribute of layer from TOP to Bottom like bellow image ![enter image description here][2] [1]: /editor/20151029/5631b3626ec79.png [2]: /editor/20151029/5631b406ce542.png
andyfierman 9 years ago
Hi berhoyt, * On your points (1) and (2) there does seem to be a problem. I haven't found a way to select several items and then group them together so that they can be flipped from top to bottom (or bottom to top). Also as you say, rotating a selection of multiple items rotates each of them around their own origin and not around the centroid of the group. * Not sure what happened to Dillons link and image but here's a copy: 3a) To change the active layer in a PCB layout: 3b) To flip layers (top bottom): like this: ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20151029/5631e09254c25.png
berhoyt 9 years ago
Thanks. That helps move a component between layers, at least.
EJavaM07 7 years ago
Not really interested in moving parts from top to bottom, as I'm just getting started with this wonderful tool you provide; however, I would like to know why I can't seem to get 'X' or 'Y' (flip horizontal and flip vertical) to become enabled on the menu, regardless of what parts I select or deselect.
andyfierman 7 years ago
Flip and mirror only makes sense for symbols in schematics. It makes no sense to apply flip and mirror to PCB footprints, it would simply not work. Imagine mirroring a DIP14 logic device footprint without also swapping the top/bottom layer. That would put the power supply line in the wrong pins on the package when you come to fit the physical part.
pratto10 7 years ago
This was no help at all to me. It doesn't say how to mirror, and it doesn't say how to use a hotkey. When I use CNTRL X, it deletes it. Rather that sending to a link, can't you just say "here is how to use a hotkey " ?
andyfierman 7 years ago
Hi pratto10, `Rather that sending to a link, can't you just say "here is how to use a hotkey " ?` If we did that then we would have to write the same thing over and over again. This is why we recommend that all our users read the [EasyEDA tutorial]( because then you will quickly see how to mirror, how to use a hotkey and much more besides. For more, please see: Thanks.
steadystate 7 years ago
I would also like to flip a PCB footprint for a component without swapping layers (and there most definitely is a reason to want to do this that makes perfect sense). Looks like it can't be done. If not, I will have to redraw the entire packages from scratch. A mirror command would do it instantly. It is far easier to reassign pin numbers than to redraw a footprint for a complex asymmetrical pinout.
andyfierman 7 years ago
It would be dangerous to allow this in the PCB package editor but there is a way to do it in the EasyEDA Source file. It is not as simple as a mirror key but is quicker than redrawing from scratch. It also is not as simple if you have an asymmetric package. Try opening a simple DIP8 package for editing then look at the EasyEDA Source file. It is relatively straight forward to find the pin numbers and edit them by hand. Then click apply. Then you can X or Y flip the silkscreen. Save as a unique package BUT YOU **MUST** CLEARLY IDENTIFY IT SO THAT NO-ONE MISTAKES IT AS THE ORIGINAL NON-FLIPPED PACKAGE. This is because all user symbols and package are public. A better idea is to save it then place it onto a private PCB AND THEN DELETE THE PUBLIC LIBRARY COPY IMMEDIATELY. Then you can copy and paste it from your pivate PCB as you wish.
steadystate 4 years ago
I still need to mirror complex asymmetrical pinouts.  What is the difference between my flipping an existing footprint using an easy command, or redrawing it from scratch, besides the wasted time and effort?  This feature would only be "dangerous" to anyone who doesn't know what they are doing.  Anyone using my flipped footprints of esoteric connectors (or ANY footprints) without checking them probably shouldn't be here in the first place.
steadystate 4 years ago
Just found that the feature works with a workaround.  Disregard my last post.
James Deng 4 years ago
what was the workaround?
suny 3 years ago
Hi ı want to chaange ol pcb miror .how ı can make...
andyfierman 3 years ago
Try: **Toggle View** in: [](
PULSARID 2 years ago
Hi there. Fliping isnt working for me in text. Just in tracks. What can it be? Thanks!
andyfierman 2 years ago
@pulsarid, Please post this issue as a new Bug Report.
prosamgr 1 year ago
I want to sandwich a pcb with an arduino uno, and I found an arduino uno pinout thing in easyeda. The problem is that this is supposed to be how the uno looks in person, to sandwich it with the board I need to mirror it vertically. How can I do that?
andyfierman 1 year ago
@prosamgr, You need to clarify exactly what you are trying to achieve. Screenshots photos of something similar or diagrams would help. Do these topics help? []( [](
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