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How to run a simulation
25083 3
andyfierman 7 years ago
**Updated for V6.4.3 with LTspice simulation engine** ### How to run a simulation, view the simulation report and download the spice netlist. This tip shows three ways to run simulations, a way to view the simulation report window and two ways to download the spice netlist. A simulation can be set up using **CTRL+J** to open the Run your simulation dialogue box: ![image.png](// ![image.png](// and then setting up and running the simulation of your choice. #### Run simulations, view the simulation report and download the spice netlist via the top toolbar. Once the simulation has been set up using CTRL+J and run by clicking on the **Run** button, a spice directive is placed into the simulation schematic. Simulations can then be run by doing: **F8** **![image.png](//** (this was CTRL+R) It is also possible to enter the simulation directive directly into a simulation schematic as text and then selecting and setting the text to: **Text Attributes > Text type > spice** and then run a simulation by doing: **F8** ![image.png](// (this was CTRL+R) Simulation results and error messages can be viewed by doing: ![image.png](// The text in this window can be copied (CTRL+A then CTRL+C) and pasted (CTRL+V) into a text file. The spice netlist can be viewed and downloaded by either clicking on the **Download netlist** button or via the `Documents` Menu. **File > Export Netlist > LTspice For This Sheet** ![image.png](// and then clicking **Download** in: ![image.png](// #### Advanced probing and simulation control For more information on ways to control simulations, please see: [https://docs\.google\.com/document/u/1/d/1OWZVVFRAe\_2NW3WratpkA\_SGuHa5AcRow5ZRfvcoVTU/pub\#h\.4i7ojhp]( **TO BE UPDATED:** For information about how to find simulatable parts in EasyEDA, please see: [https://easyeda\.com/forum/topic/How\_to\_find\_simulatable\_parts\_and\_run\_a\_simulation\_in\_EasyEDA\-1YgasK2kC](
michal2013 5 years ago
lolol no no no no no![Opera Zdję](//
michal2013 5 years ago
no ![Opera Zdję](// no
andyfierman 5 years ago
@michal2013, Please read: [](
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