When asking for help on the forums, it is hard to make any definite suggestions without having sight of the Schematic or PCB in question.
In EasyEDA it is possible to post a link to a public copy of your project or to share it privately.
#### To share a Project publically, go to:
**Home > My Account > Project**
and click on the 'No Entry' sign under the megaphone symbol:
![enter image description here][1]
Then right-click on the Project name and copy the link.
#### To share a Project privately, right-click on the Project name in the left hand Navigation panel of an Editor window:
![enter image description here][2]
and share it with Support at EasyEDA.com
[1]: /editor/20161110/582394756a00f.png
[2]: /editor/20161110/582395182295d.png