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How to use symbol from easyEda libs for new part symbol
1602 4
mesopcb 8 years ago
I would like to be able to use the schematic symbol from the a part in the standard easyEda libs as a starting point for making a new part symbol. For example, there is a nice GND symbol. I'd like one of my own that has the name AGND and a net of AGND (for analog ground). I could draw one, but it would be nice just to start with one in the easyEda libs. I know how to get a symbol from the broader libs (search for it, find it, edit it, save it), but that doesn't seem to work with the easyEda symbols. The most intuitive approach would be for the editor for the Schematic Library to allow pasting a symbol the same way that the regular Schematic editor does.
example 8 years ago
Hi, > there is a nice GND symbol. Don't use any other GND symbol, you just can use the GND symbols from EasyEDA supply flags, we provide 3, and you can ues GND netlabel or GND netflag. You can copy a schematic lib and paster it to another schematic lib. But GND is a netflag, not a schematic lib. Schematic lib will be attached to a footprint/package. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20150811/55c964d25e891.png
andyfierman 8 years ago
@mesopcb, I don't know if you are aware of this but if you double-click on any symbol in the EasyEDA Libs panel then it will open in the Spice Symbol Editor so that you can edit the part to create your own version and then save it into **My Parts**. They open in the Spice Symbol Editor because all symbols in the EasyEDA Libs have spice simulation models already attached. Even if you do not want to use your new symbol in simulation, you can still use it in non-simulation schematics, the same as any other non-simulatable schematic symbol.
mesopcb 8 years ago
Thank you very much. I was not aware of that - I didn't know the app could capture double-clicks! I tried it and it worked. I am not using the simulator, as my current project is mostly digital composed of complex parts. But it is a nice feature that I am going to keep an eye on for future work.
andyfierman 8 years ago
For more info on things like double clicks and other features of the EasyEDA GUI please see these pages in the EasyEDA Tutorial: > In particular: > > :)
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