![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/KCX5oH8JEgMUEN1NIGJ4kmpLAEyLyDZ86SAFpM96.png) Here you can see the photo is overlapped on the trace so I can not click on the trace until I hide the blue layer
<font _mstmutation="1">Hello,Are you using easyeda std or pro? You mean you can't select one of the elements individually, right?</font><font _mstmutation="1">You can try unchecking "group" in "filter".![image.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/wb8lmWCKPEUmc4BckUjUcEPZ4cmYTR7U1TC46YSp.png)<font _mstmutation="1"></font></font><span class="size"></span>
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