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I can't order PCB from Desktop or Web Browser
483 3
tltesting 4 years ago
Hello, I can't order PCB from Desktop or Web Browser. I'm trying to order my first PCB. I went to Fabrication > PCB Fabrication > Generate Gergber > Order at JLCPCB and I get an error that says "Whoops, looks like something went wrong." What's worse is somebody forgot to route what the cause of the error is back to the client. I have some DRC errors but they are all on a single component (arduino footprint) that don't match my design rules for the rest of the PCB. I don't know enough about PCB design to know what to do with "something went wrong." How do i order my PCB?
mrtom528 4 years ago
It's not just you. I see a similar error if I try to [now] login to either JLCPCB or EasyEDA. I am able to reply now purely as I was already logged into EasyEDA on a different machine, any attempt to login to JLCPCB fails with that error. _ Hopefully, given time, it will be sorted, considering. _ Regards.
tltesting 4 years ago
@mrtom528 thanks for the update. Is there another way i can order my PCB or am i stuck since i built it with EasyEDA?
mrtom528 4 years ago
@tltesting, As far as I can tell the problem is now fixed, at least, the login page is now displayed iunstead of the error. _ Try again, it should be ok now. _ Regards.
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