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I cant place part schematics anymore
1378 4
MrMitch 5 years ago
Hello: It seems that I can't place parts on the schematic anymore.  I've tried maybe a dozen parts.  I can see the PCB layout half, but the schematic half is not there.  When I click on place, its blank when trying to place the new part.  This leads to me not being able to place new parts into the schematic.  I've tried Chrome and Firefox.  Anyone else run into this?
Johannes Kuder 3 years ago
Yes, exactly the same here.
andyfierman 3 years ago
You need to post more information including pictures about how you are trying to place symbols into the schematic. 1. What steps are you taking to select them? 2. What steps are you taking to place them? 3. From what library? <br> <br>
Johannes Kuder 3 years ago
Thanks for the hint. Let me explain more in detail: I'm trying since hours to find this guy []( and place it into my Schematic. If possible incl. the 3D model. I'm searching for "XH2.54 3p" in the Library. Type = 3D Model. 20 results are shown up in the LCSC class. 3D preview thumbnails are visible for some of them, not for all. As an example, I try to place the part "XH2.54-2P_H" (it's the first one in the results list, preview picture is there, although it's a 2-pin type - why the hell is it in the results list when I search for 3p??). Clicking on the "Place" button, nothing happens. No part is copied in my Schematic. Similar things happen with many other parts I try to insert. I'm a bloody beginner in EasyEDA, probably need some very basic help to overcome this hurdle :-)
andyfierman 3 years ago
Still not enough info. Need pictures/screenshots. Are you searching under Symbols,  Footprints or 3D models? You can only place a schematic symbol into a schematic.  You cannot place a PCB Footprint or a 3D model into a schematic. Once you have placed symbols in a schematic and have gone through the essential checklist (4) in (2) in: []( then, when you do Convert to PCB,  the relevant Footprints and 3D models will be pulled in to the PCB for you.
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