I found some bug about DRC Error.
I will add warning about DRC Error bug like this: "Don't convert this project into PCB. It's bug." My project with a bug will have this warning.
This is some example of the project with a bug:
[https://easyeda.com/junlakan67/lm339-compartor](https://easyeda.com/junlakan67/lm339-compartor) Click at Design Manager in the PCB and click at the refresh button of "DRC Error". You will find 10 DRC Error.
Try to select DRC Error and you will see a yellow X. If you move out of pad,You will NOT see ANY Track under it.If You zoom at the pad'You will see the net.Then click at the pad and see the "Net" field.In this field,You will NOT see ANY text.
![EasyEDA - A Simple and Powerful Electronic Circuit Design Tool (2).jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/Zvb3bmjCKScRicMIWpURRQiZfE42o1BrlTDgy4K4.jpeg)
Don't trust this picture,Try by using the given project link.
Note:My project is AWAYS public.
I think the cause is the test point footprint.
How to find the bugged footprint in the picture:
1. Search with this keyword "Test point_2".
2. Favourite it.
3. Check out the "Personal" tab and select "Test point" tag under "Favourite".
4. Use it in your project. Tip:Create or use in your test project before using in real project.
5. Convert into PCB. Tip:Check out the "Footprint Manager" before convert into PCB.
6. Click at "Design Manager" and click at the refresh button of "DRC Error".
7. You will see this bug.