You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Image Import Resolution + Size issues
1887 0
Alejandro Pernin 4 years ago
Hi, I'm using Easy EDA online editor to create a PCB. During which I found some "issues" that I would like to report. What I'm trying to do is use silkscreen layer voids to expose the underlying soldermask to "draw" (negative space). The issues were: * Import Image Screen: Shows wrong image size. * Import Image Screen: When adjusting one of the sizes (width, height) the other one doesnt quite match the original. Very small error tough. * Imported Image: The actual imported image size is different that the one claimed (and / or specified) at the Import Image Screen * Imported Image lost a lot of details, had to split one image into multiple to mantain the same level of detail Some of these were already mentioned [here]( Specifically I'm doing a PCB Tree, with snowed portions where are "letters" written with silkscreen blanks (exposing the soldermask). To do so I created a draft in Inkscape. (Hopefully no family member reads the forum, otherwise my xmas surprise is ruined haha). ![objetivo.png](// This board is approx 70 x 100 mm Now, to accomplish this I created a layer that is the snowed portions with the letters cutted-off. This is how I export the file through Inkscape, notice the image size is 2500x2764 px (70.6x78 mm). ![easyeda_3.png](// Exiftools info shows the same, note that Pixel Per Unit is 35443, so 2500x2764 is roughly 70.6 x 78 ![easyeda_4.png](// When I import it into EasyEDA the first thing I notice is the Image Size is wrong, claiming to be an astounding 631x5 x 702.68 mm ![easyeda_5.png](// I corrected the height and notice then the width is not exactly the same... 70.10 vs 70.6 mm. About 0.5 mm which is not that bad...may be a rounding issue with an underlying lib. But, as soon as the image gets imported as part of a layer...Its size changes ![easyeda_7.png](// Again...not a big difference. But it odds me the difference of the size between the import screen and what actually gets imported. Furthermore, what I noticed is the image lost quite a bit of details. Notice on the top, the words arent that nice. ![easyeda_8.png](// I tried changing from PNG to SVG and the results were actually worse ![easyeda_12.png](// I also tried .DFX which did mantain all the original details... but since there is no way (that I could find) whitin EasyEDA to convert that to a filled layer. What I found to work is actually import smaller sized images. Instead of trying to import the whole silkscreen layer at once, I splitted into multiple images, for example ![easyeda_15.png](// (the dimensions are once again wrong, it is actually ~70x14 mm). This produced a crisp imported image ![easyeda_16.png](// By repeating the process I was able to create the silkscreen with the desired level of detail ![easyeda_17.png](// Regards!
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