You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Image on Schematic fails to show when saving as PDF
344 3
Gerriko io 4 years ago
I decided to include an image/logo (SVG) on my schematic. I placed the image on bottom left of my schematic. When I select export as PDF it does not show the image when I open up the PDF. The weird thing is that I have another image (EasyEDA) logo in the box on the bottom right and it shows this image correctly. Now, when I open up the PDF using "Inkscape", the image is actually there but it has been placed off the page. Then, when I place the image on top left of schematic and try and export to PDF the program bombs and exits me out of EasyEDA.
UserSupport 4 years ago
Can you post some images?
Gerriko io 4 years ago
My apologies. It appears that this error was in the previous version of EasyEDA - now that I try and recreate this issue. However, I have spotted an issue when creating the PDF in the new version which made me assume the problem was still there but just behaving differently. ![image.png](// It defaults as "Local" but when I try and create the PDF nothing happens. If I change this to "Cloud" it worked fine.
UserSupport 4 years ago
hi,please export your schematic as easyeda format and send to []( thanks
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svg-battery svg-battery-wifi svg-books svg-more svg-paste svg-pencil svg-plant svg-ruler svg-share svg-user svg-logo-cn svg-double-arrow -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus- -mockplus-@1x -mockplus-

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