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Import Changes to PCB now really slow
3186 14
rehsd 3 years ago
I notice with the latest version that Import Changes from the schematic to the PCB layout is extremely slow for me. Are others seeing similar behavior?
andyfierman 3 years ago
Web or Desktop?
rehsd 3 years ago
Desktop, version 6.5.1. I will try out the web version shortly.
rehsd 3 years ago
I am seeing issues with the web version, too. I'll keep monitoring. I am seeing sluggishness with four-layer (inner planes) for Import Changes and even moving items on the PCB. The performance of moving items on a four-layer PCB with inner planes is much better that it was in the previous version, but it still isn't very usable due to the speed. The import speed seems sporadic; I'm trying to identify the pattern. So far, I am not seeing these issues on two-layer PCBs. I'll post more information if I can recognize a pattern, other than not seeing it with two-layer.
rehsd 3 years ago
I'm seeing a lot of this: ![not responding.png](//
rehsd 3 years ago
I changed my board back to a two-layer. Performance is good.
UserSupport 3 years ago
please export your schematic and PCB as EasyEDA format and send to []( we will check
rehsd 2 years ago
I have submitted an example project to []( which demonstrates this behavior with Import Changes. I just changed a single IC on a board, and the Import Changes has been stuck at 1% for 20+ minutes. I can confirm this happens once I switch a PCB to a four-layer PCB that includes inner VCC and GND planes. Moving components with the inner plane configuration also suffers from performance issues and, unfortunately, makes four-layer inner plane projects unworkable in EasyEDA. Thank you.
UserSupport 2 years ago
@rehsd please add UserSupport as your project member, I will have a look, the support email cannot visit temporary at this time, because of the network issue, we need some time to fix it
rehsd 2 years ago
My understanding from support is that the Pro edition will resolve this issue. Any chance you can share when the Pro edition might be available?
andyfierman 2 years ago
@rehsd, You can try it at: [](
rehsd 2 years ago
@andyfierman, thank you! I'll give it a shot!
jadon0506 1 year ago
The same is what is happening for me as well
urbite 1 year ago
I'm having the same 'hang at 1%' issue when updating the PCB from schematic. It doesn't always happen, so it's puzzling. The only solution I've found is to close my EasyEDA tab in the browser, open a new tab and relaunch EasyEDA. Then it works...until the next schematic --> PCB update. I haven't tried Pro yet.
UserSupport 1 year ago
@urbite please export your sch and pcb as easyeda format and include the subject and send to
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