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Import and reverse engineer Gerbers into EasyEDA PCB.
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andyfierman 5 years ago
In Altium it is possible to import a set of Gerber files and reverse engineer them back onto an Altium PCB. This would be a very powerful feature in EasyEDA. This is a BIG ask so I expect the answer will be "Not on the EasyEDA roadmap" or at least "Not for a long time". :)
MikeDB 5 years ago
True but it would be a great feature.  I turn away work asking to reverse engineer boards as they are never quite the same if you copy them by eye.
UserSupport 5 years ago
I want it too, but that need some time. We have a lot of works to do at present. etc 3D step file importing and exporting, new spice simulation, new copper area, for v6.1 we have over 600 improvement and issue fixed, and more features at todo list. and we are developing a completed offline desktop client, it will realease at 3 months later. in the future, we will support to import LTSpice, PADS, Allegro, Protel 99SE, Gerber, orCAD, maybe Sprint Layout, Tina, FreePCB, Protues  etc. too. That is very excited feature. We working on it. :)
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