You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Import image as cutout
1352 6
upperairs 4 years ago
Hello, I have been creating board cutouts with the solid region tool and converting them to multilayer. I have done this for more complicated cutouts, but this is very tedious and time consuming. I was wondering if there was a away to import an image and convert to a board cutout or edit the json to convert to a board cutout.... or am I way off that this is not possible. Any suggestion would be very helpful. Thank you. David
turbobabr 4 years ago
@ upperairs Just curious how you "complicated" (complex) cutouts look like.. Could you attach a screenshot with an example?
turbobabr 4 years ago
The reason I'm asking \- I use various automation scripts for generating custom or labor intensive PCB stuff\, and one of the cases is cutouts generation\. I use custom \`react\` like renderer for this\, which is quite close to your desired "json" to "pcb" intentions\. Thus, it's interesting what is the problem you want to solve.
andreasbernhofer 4 years ago
@upperairs You can use File - Import - DXF... to import a DXF file as board outline. You can also import SVG Files as board outline using my Extension from [](<br> <br> I've used the SVG Import together with OpenSCAD to generate the board outlines and masks for one of my projects programmatically.
upperairs 4 years ago
Thank you, I think your extension should work. I had to change your import scale, but other than that it should work. I do this as a hobby so I am still learning. Thanks
ALL ONE 7 months ago
@andreasbernhofer I tried installing that extension. Does it only function with EasyEDA standard?
andyfierman 7 months ago
@allonesuncorp, At the moment, extensions in EasyEDA Pro are not supported.
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