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Import changes hotkey/rat-nest hot key and button
1555 5
masterfrogo 8 years ago
**Feature Request** Brief title for your desired feature: I would like a refresh button that would import all changes and act like the rat nest button in eagle and have it assign to a hot key. How would you like the feature to work? It would save to a temp file(without asking) the project and import all changes as well as refresh the copper area. Why is this feature important to you? The eagle file did not import my part right so i try to make changes to my part and import changes is very slow to select each time import changes from the menu. I also think you should have a refresh button this was done in eagle more or less with the rat-nest which IMHO you should have.
support 8 years ago
Can't understand very well, do you mean need a hotkey to import change? this is easy for us, but it seems we don't need to use very must.
masterfrogo 8 years ago
@support yes but i think you could do more. The import is need to be use a lot when importing board and libs from eagle. In my case one of the eagle libs did not import correctly it missed all of my polygon I had, I edit the component(practically remade it) and found that it was in the wrong spot (design not center from the eagle board I imported). I tried to repositioning it but kept doing it wrong(it move the design right in stead of left). I try repositioning it about 10 times. I figure If i had problem other might to. It would be nice to be able to make any hot key i need from you long wording menu(but that a lot harder to do and would be happy to have just the import short cut). The **********************Import******************* point i was trying to make with the rat-nest nest option which you are ignore is in you tutorial you have to do some strange stuff to refresh the ground plane why? ******In eagle all i had to do was push a button ************************ Why not have A button to refresh the ground plane an import changes from library(you almost alway what to make sure the library you using is the most resent). So far I had not much luck with your site. My Eagle board did not import correctly part are upside down wire are not hook up correctly So thought i would generate my own garb in eagle and give them to you and you site doe not say what layers you need. I know a going a little off topic here but I want to explain why I thought this was needed. I don't think you site is there yet. You doing a lot of work and it keep getting better Thank You.
masterfrogo 8 years ago
I would like to add one more note: There One more Grate feature of eagle rat-nest button when click it tell you how may air-wire are left UN-routed. It would be great if a refresh button would do that two.
dillon 8 years ago
Eagle importing is not well support, It is hard to support it perfect. EasyEDA has a design manager, it can tell which net is not routed.
masterfrogo 8 years ago
It doses show it there(did not recognize it even thou read it.) but i think it be nice to have a summary In the design-manager.
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