Im trying for almost 6 hours now to import a DXF file from Fusion 360 to set it as my PCB layout and all curves are becoming straight lines or hexagons.
Isn't this feature working properly? I have checked the test.dxf file and it imports OK but I assume this must be based of the software that export it and version of the DXF.
I have tried to import it to AutoCAD 2016 and export it again but only the R12/LT12 version worked but the treat circles as holes could not be converted.
Does anyone know what version or parameters of DXF should I use to export so it would not mess up the drawing?
![enter image description here][1]
![enter image description here][2]
[1]: /editor/20180125/5a69bb6182a76.png
[2]: /editor/20180125/5a69bb75493d6.png