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Importing DXF
324 5
gidimiz 1 year ago
In STD I can import the attached DXF. But I cannot do that in the Pro Ver. [PCB DXF](
MrToM 1 year ago
Hi gidimiz, My findings: . 01\. Your file doesn't\, as you say\, open in the "pro" version\, if you use the Desktop Client "pro" version\. 02\. Your file does however open in the online web version\. 03\. The Desktop Client "pro" version moans that the file is old and needs to be of 2007 vintage or later\. . ![DXF-IMPORT-01.jpg](// . 04\. The online "pro" version just opens the file ready for import\. 05\. I used an online dxf file converter to convert your original file to a version later than 2007\. []( 06\. Converting to a 2018\, 2019\, 2020\, 2021 version works but there is no respect for the size of the image\, it was massive\. 07\. Converting to a 2007\, 2008\, 2009 version worked well\, the size 'looks' about right but I've no way of knowing how big it should be\. 08\. There is a small error in your original file\, the height is way bigger than expected\.\.\.\.check the odd random \(inkscape?\) lines above the actual image\. . ![DXF-IMPORT-02.jpg](// . TL;DR Use the online web version or convert the file to a DXF 2007, 2008, 2009 version and use the desktop client. . Regards. MrToM.
gidimiz 1 year ago
Hi MrToM. I exported it directly from Fusion 360. Here is a new file again: []( Diameter is 108mm I cannot open it from the online Pro ver. I dont use the PC one. I can open it with no issue on the STD online ver. I dont see why there should be a difference between the two, if it opens in the STD, it should open in the pro without me needing to convert it. Dont you agree? Regards.
MrToM 1 year ago
@gidimiz, 'Dont you agree?' Absolutely. . The new file opens fine for me in the online web version... . ![DXF-IMPORT-03.jpg](// . Firefox. . In Chrome, nah, no dice, whinges about being too old again although converting does work for both 2007 and 2021, correct size and everything. . So use Firefox, Chrome with conversion or the std version, which is the lesser of the two evils anyway. . Good luck. MrToM.
alexllopis 1 year ago
Hi! Totally agree with MrTom It doesn't make sense that PRO version doesn't do the at least the same things as Standard version. I have the same issue. I have mac book, I tried Firefox and doesn't work for me. Also when importing dxf in Standard version you can choose if you want boardoutline, top silkscreen, bottom silkscreen....etc In Pro version after converting dxf file to 2007 version, when importing it goes directly to the Top layer. I tried to copy and paste to boardoutline or top silkscreen and the program blocks. At the moment at least for me the Pro version is not working well, not fluid (as std), also this issue with dxf not helping. Would be great if this function could be improved and be at least as Standard version. Thanks Alex
alexllopis 1 year ago
Sorry, just find out how to asign it as silkscreen...etc ![image.png](// Thanks Alex
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