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Importing Spice models for simulations - Tubes
1270 7
Kevin Greene 4 years ago
Hi, Hobbyist here, need some "idiot guide" I inserted a 12AU7 tube. I clicked Spice Lib and found a 12au7 "user contributed" I built my schematic and ran the simulation. I then get a warning saying some parts don't have spice models.. Its says i can assign one.. How do I move forward on this...
Kevin Greene 4 years ago
Never mind.. Found the answer if anyone else is looking :) [https://easyeda\.com/forum/topic/Include\_spice\_model\_from\_internet\-NnhVdvpHY](
andyfierman 4 years ago
@kgreene1983, Most of the available valve/tube models are already in the EasyEDA library. Please see  this project: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Valve\_Tube\_examples\-05ZhzR9rJ]( I'll check them later today but the sim schematics may need a dot . inserting in front of the tran, ac and probe statements to bring them up to update for LTspice. Also in LTspice, most of the time the .tran statements just need the stop time do they are of the form: .tran Tstop So to run a sim for 1ms just enter: .tran 1m Sometimes if a sim does not start properly, adding the **startup** option gets things up and running: .tran 1m startup
andyfierman 4 years ago
@kgreene1983, BTW, the link you refer to is now out of date. For all things to do with simulation, please refer to the Spice Tutorial (3) in (2) in: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
Checking those sims now...
andyfierman 4 years ago
@kgreene1983, All the example tube/valve types listed in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Valve\_Tube\_examples\-05ZhzR9rJ]( now work. Note that this list includes a 12AU7 model.
andyfierman 4 years ago
I've updated the project, adding a sheet to show where to find and use the valve/tube symbols in simulation with the list of available spice models. Please revisit: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Valve\_Tube\_examples\-05ZhzR9rJ](
andyfierman 4 years ago
The following models have been added to the list of available models as they simulate correctly in LTspice: SV6AS7_DM NHSV6AS7_DMGTM NH2A3_DMGTM NH6DJ8_DMGTM SV5723_DMGTM
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