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Importing spice model: I can't understand the document
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송병준 3 years ago
Hello! It might be a dumb question but I can't get what the [answer]( means by: "<span class="colour" style="color:rgb(85, 85, 85)">Place the .subckt text into the schematic and activate it;"</span><br> <br> <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(85, 85, 85)">I have a .LIB file(it seems to be a</span> .SUBCKT defined models" becausethe keyword '.subckt' repeatedly apears in the file) and EasyEDA installed on my desktop. I want to import the model and use it for simulation. I tried to understand the guide and the answer(linked above) but couldn't get it. I would appreciate it if you provide a more detailed guide. Thank you for your time!
andyfierman 3 years ago
You are referring to a topic that is over six years old. Please: 1. Clearly identify what device you want the model for; 2. Post the link to the lib or other spice model file that you are talking about; 3. Read and play with the simulation examples in the Spice Tutorial, paying particular attention to the sections on Models and about Pin Numbering: [](<br> <br>
송병준 3 years ago
I want a model for `LM2576-3.3`. I got this [LM2576 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model]( from [TI product page]( I'll try the simulation example in the tutorial. Thanks for your reply!
andyfierman 3 years ago
Although EasyEDA does not restrict the types of devices and simulations that can be run, it does limit the resources you can use when running a sim. Simulations of switch mode supplies and PLL circuits in particular are extremely resource hungry so you may be better to install a local copy of LTspice and use that instead of trying to run it in LTspice on EasyEDA. You can get a (free) copy of LTspice XVII for OS X here: [](
andyfierman 3 years ago
@potados99, To try out the TI model in EasyEDA, make yourself a Spice Symbol for the LM2576 then, in SIM mode, build the rest of the circuit around it using symbols from the EElib and the Spice Symbol library. Then paste the TI spice model text into the schematic and set Text Type = spice. I think you will find that it will not run for long enough to show you much of it's operation from startup. You can use the Stop and Start times to show you later behaviour in a longer run. Please post back if you need more help.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@potados99, I'm wrong: it runs fine in EasyEDA for at least up to 10ms. Here's a demo sim I put together: [](<br> <br> The model, spice symbol and footprint are all now in the library so just place the spice symbol and off you go. :)
Potados 3 years ago
Thank you for detailed instructions! I'll try it and post back if got any problems. Again thank you!
Potados 3 years ago
> The model, spice symbol and footprint are all now in the library so just place the spice symbol and off you go. Oooooh I love it thank you!!
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