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Impossible to simulate my project
1304 7
andbro1526 6 years ago
Hi, It's impossible to simulate my project. i have always these errors with my potentiomters. Help will  be appreciated. Error on line 3 : rpv1 u2\_1 r10\_2 u2\_5    unknown parameter (u2_5) Error on line 4 : rp2 r18\_1 u3\_3 r17\_2    unknown parameter (r17_2) Error on line 5 : rp1 d8\_2 r8\_1 c4\_1    unknown parameter (c4_1) errors/warnings in your design, please fix them if you need errors/warnings in your design, please fix them if you need. Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 Warning: rp1: resistance to low, set to 1 mOhm Warning: rp2: resistance to low, set to 1 mOhm Warning: rpv1: resistance to low, set to 1 mOhm Warning: singular matrix:  check nodes c2\_1 and c2\_1 Thakns
andyfierman 6 years ago
@andbro1526, Welcome to EasyEDA. Without more information or a link to a public project it is not possible to offer meaningful help on your simulation. In the meanwhile please read - and play with the simulations in - the EasyEDA Simulation Tutorial: []( You will find more help in: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
andyfierman 6 years ago
See also: []( [](
andbro1526 6 years ago
andyfierman 6 years ago
The problem is that most of the schematic symbols you have used do not have simulation models associated with them. The EasyEDA Simulation Tutorial explains how to deal with that.
andbro1526 6 years ago
Do you can tell me an exemple or modify the circuit ? I have read the tutorial and i have'nt find my answer. Thanks Andy
andyfierman 6 years ago
You have to replace all the diodes, transistors, opamps and the pots with spice symbols from the spice simulation library. The tutorial tells you how to access this part of the library. You'll have to either find similar or generic parts for things like the TL061 opamps (or figure out from the tutorial how to import any missing models you might need). Please study the examples in the spice tutorial carefully.
andyfierman 6 years ago
You will also have vto set up a sine wave source for the mains input. Probably best to break the circuit into subsections and simulate each in isolation. Trying to do the whole thing in one go will almost certainly fail and you will get very discouraged trying to figure out how to make it run.
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