I'm trying to create octogonal (8 corner shape) pads in my PCB design.
So I set the Shape of the pads to Polygon. EasyEda creates a square (4 corners) pad. Then I click the 'Edit Points' button.
It shows coordinates of the 4 corners. Now I have to enter coordinates for the 8 corners of my octogonal shape.
This is all not very user-friendly.
Some suggestions for improvement:
**1\. Relax the checking of entered data to prevent unnecesary 'Invalid points' error messare\.**
Reason: I use Excel to calculate the points, then **paste** the 16 values (x and y values for 8 points). The values are separated by tab and/or cr/lf.
I get error message 'Invalid Points'.
Now I manually have to remove all tabs and cr/lf characters and replace with space to have EasyEda accept the points.
However: Tab characters and CR/LF characters are perfectly fine as field separators. There is no need to insist on spaces as separator.
**Request**: allow for Tabs and CR/LF characters in the 'Edit Points' dialog (allow the 'paste' from Excel sheet). EasyEda could replace Tab and CR/LF with space itself if nescessary (easy fix).
**2\. Allow for relative coordinates instead of absolute**
Reason: Coordinates of the (intial square pad shape) of the pads are **absolute** values (= they relate to the 0,0 origin of the **PCB**). For pad polygon shapes makes no sense. It also makes understanding and editing the points way to difficult.
It would be much easier if the coordinate points of the polygon pad shapes were relative to the center (Center X and Center Y) coordinates of the pad. Relative coordinates are much easier to understand and edit.
> For example Square pad on Center X 43.43mm, Y 32.51mm, Width and Height 1.78mm gives edit points `42.545 31.623 44.323 31.623 44.323 33.401 42.545 33.401`. Relative to the Center this would be `-0.89 -0.89 0.89 -0.89 0.89 0.89 -0.89 0.89`. Much easier because 2*0.89=1.78 is the width and height of the pad (and smaller numbers!).
It would also be much easier to re-use the shape of one pad on other pads. Just copy the (relative to Center X and Center Y) coordinates and paste them in the 'Edit Ponts' dialog of the next one.
**Request**: Make coordinate points in 'Edit Points' dialog of Polygon pads **relative** to CenterX/CenterY of the pad.
I hope you will consider these changes.
Current EasyEda version V5.3.14