You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
In schematic editor, no verification of whether project saved or not.
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LISA_DALTON 6 years ago
In schematic editor, no verification of whether project saved or not. PCB side works every time, However, It's either intermittent or all the time , there is no verification of a save attempt in Schematic Capture. -Lisa D
andyfierman 6 years ago
It shows the `Connecting to server...` `Save success` panels if you save a changed schematic but if there are no changes then nothing happens. Maybe the user experience could be improved by popping up a `Nothing to save` or `Nothing has changed` message like it did in earlier versions?
LISA_DALTON 6 years ago
@andyfierman Andy, The difference in versions I found is that the toolbar in this version hides the information on whether the file has saved or not. It's an easy work-around to just close the tool bar, to make sure it saves. It would be less of a issue for me but for the lousy somewhat intermittent connection we have here. I have lost work in the past by shutting down for the night after a (uknown) failed save, so I make sure to check every time now. In PCB editor it works the same as always. Thanks, -Lisa D
andyfierman 6 years ago
`the toolbar in this version hides the information on whether the file has saved or not.` To clarify: which toolbar do you mean? :)
LISA_DALTON 6 years ago
I guess I was unclear on that one. It isn't a toolbar actually, it's better described as the information/ attributes bar that changes depending on what you are looking at. X/Y coordinates, PCB canvas properties, hole properties Etc. The Connection/ Save report box does not come up over that info bar in the new version, rather it comes up, but can only be seen if the info bar is hidden. I use that information so much, I have had no reason to close it until now. I have another question for you that I will post in the PCB Forum.
andyfierman 6 years ago
Ah, OK Lisa. The toolbar you refer to is the Attributes panel or just the right-hand panel. Thanks for the tip about the Save dialogue being hidden behind it: I hadn't noticed that was what was happening.
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