You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Include a URL (clickable) in a text box? And have it be clickable in a PDF of the schematic?
515 2
elee 3 years ago
I was wondering if there is a way to put URL's on the schematic (and have them be clickable to open that link in a browser). I didn't find this ability yet, so I'm guessing this is a "feature request". Ideally the clickable link would work in easy eda (maybe need to right click on it to avoid opening it by accident). And it would ideally be a clickable hyperlink in the PDF of the schematic. I think this could be very nice for documentation, to be able to \* direct people to the datasheet\, \* instructions on how program various IC's on the board\. \* instructions on how to use the board\, \* more details about various parts of the design \(point to a design doc that explains why it is done this way\, etc\.\)\. <br> <br>
andyfierman 3 years ago
Change the **Category** of this topic to **Feature Request**. :)
elee 3 years ago
Changed... Thx.
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