You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Including third party spice models?
1052 3
hemdanw 4 years ago
Hi, I downloaded an ada4505 spice model from the Analog Devices website to simulate. The downloaded file is a *.cir file. I was able to get the simulation working by copy pasting the contents of the file to a new text block I added to the schematic, and setting it's "Text Type" to spice. Then adding a generic part with matching pins from the EELib and changing its MODEL to match the SUBCKT name. I was wondering if this was the only way to do this... Or is it possible to use .lib and .include spice directives to point to the file using full path to the file on my hard disk? Is it possible to attach a spice model to a symbol / layout for a device? Thanks,    - Wael
andyfierman 4 years ago
"... it possible to use .lib and .include spice directives to point to the file using full path to the file on my hard disk?" EasyEDA does not currently support that feature. "Is it possible to attach a spice model to a symbol / layout for a device?" Please see (3) in (2) in the forum topic marked [Must read]: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
You can also request that a model be copied into the EasyEDA spice library. You will have to supply a links to the device page that points to the datasheet and to the requested model.
andyfierman 4 years ago
You don't need to paste the ADA4505 model or ask for it to be installed in the library because it already exists in the LTspice built-in library: []( :)
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