Hi there, I am having an error when trying to work on my pcb where the mcu will show incorrect pins than those in the schematic. I have tried deleting it and updating the pcb view but the issue remains. The board is quite small so im not sure if everything can connect but it seems odd that it is repeating certain pins like row 1 and row 0 while showing no other pins. If someone has an idea of what is causing this and how I could fix that it would be much appreciated. Below is the Pcb view where you can see the incorrect pins and below you can see the schematic which it is nothing like in pcb view. If anyone would like a larger view of this the project is free to be seen on my profile. Thank you
![PCB view error](https://i.imgur.com/U9dQ35E.png)
![Schematic View](https://i.imgur.com/HZKNq32.png)