Hi guys!
I came here a while back for help arranging a PCB which had an integrated Arduino pro micro 5v. This was so I didn't have to solder on an actual pro micro onto my PCB!
I took the schematic of a pro micro 5v and I merged that with my current schematic which was really simple a few switches and an encoder. Now I did the PCB design and got everything joined up and in place and bit the bullet and had a few made!
However today I received them, soldered on my USB-C port but it is not being picked up in windows, or if it does it says there was a problem with the device! One thing to note is that LED1 does light up solid, and shorting the reset pads does disconnect and reconnect sound in windows but it still is not recognised.
Now in terms of the USB-C, on the schematic I used a **SHOU HAN C668624**, but the actual part I soldered on was a <span class="colour" style="color:inherit">**DX07S016JA1R1500** but the pinout seemed to be the same?</span><br>
<span class="colour" style="color:inherit">Now if that port was not the issue I cam hoping someone with a bit more knowledge could spot the mistake I have made in my schematic D:</span><br>
Looking for a little direction on what I have done wrong! Hoping if there's something connected wrong I can cut traces / jump something to get it debugged and working!