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Is it possible to design a bridge of pin headers ?
986 8
R1S8K LLTP 3 years ago
Hi, I'm working to design a development board for an Arduino nano which has difference displays header pins + header pins for different sensors and modules. The issue now is that I want to design a complete set of female headers which can work with multiple sensors and modules and since they are differ in their set of pins. So the way to design a header pin which can adapt different modules is to put 3 header pins which work like this: ![easyeda_jumper_bridge.png](// I want to do this as a complete module so I don't have to do it every time. Is it possible to design it as a schematic module ?
andyfierman 3 years ago
You can make a Schematic Module and also a PCB Module. See the Tutorial for more about Modules.
R1S8K LLTP 3 years ago
@andyfierman Where is the tutorial ? Because I tried to do it in the schematic module design but didn't work. The wires don't contact. I can't wire the pins together.
andyfierman 3 years ago
You can find the Tutorial here: ![image.png](// or (1) in (2) in: [](<br> <br> or here: ![image.png](// To get modules to connect you need to follow the rules on the schematic module construction and the naming process when you place the PCB modules. It's a while since I used them but I think the module naming process will sort out any issue of duplicated net names. Check them carefully in both schematic and then PCB and manually rename any conflicts.
andyfierman 3 years ago
"...and manually rename any conflicts..." the schematic then do **Update PCB... ** to pass them into the PCB Editor.
R1S8K LLTP 3 years ago
@andyfierman Got the idea ! Thank you very much. I also got to know other stuff; like, solder mask layer, layers, copper flood ... etc. Very interesting !
R1S8K LLTP 3 years ago
Hi, I tried to add the extra pin headers in the PCB design but they duplicate the connections with the schematic module. ![EasyEDA_PIN_PROBLEM.png](//
R1S8K LLTP 3 years ago
I want the header schematic to be connected with only one header port in the pcb footprint. This is an effort to design a header bridge for connecting different sensors or modules which can have different pin mapping system. Like the difference between MPU6050 and GY-85 pin set.
R1S8K LLTP 3 years ago
OK, I solved the problem. I just have to delete the pin numbering in the pcb design for the pins I don't want to be connected with the schematic module.
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