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Is there a way to add VIA with the API?
238 1
Yariv Hashai 3 years ago
I have a ws2812b schematics and its all wired up correctly. I was to connect the ws2812b to top copper area of GND and to the bottom copper area of VCC In order to do so - I added a via which connected to the VCC net using the PCB layout. I have lots of ws2812b components and I had to do it onc by once manually, - is there a way to add it somehow to the schematic? and while moving into the PCB layout view it will be added to there as well? or is there a way to use the API to add these VIAs? ![Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 9.16.20.png](//![Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 9.16.59.png](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
Make a custom Footprint which includes the via(s) (but made as pads as described in: []( Then edit the Footprint attribute in the schematic symbols (use Find Similar Objects) to the modified Footprint then do Update PCB... to replace the old Footprint with the new one in all locations.
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