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Is there a way to pit two pins for a jumper on PCB view?
2992 3
Joseph Massimino 6 years ago
I have tow points on my circuit board that are sometimes joined together. I want to add two pins that can accept a jumper to do that. Is there a way to put that jumper on the board and join each side to two pads without going back to the schematic view?  Please tell me where to find it, or do I fabricate it by make two pads and joining them?
andyfierman 6 years ago
A pluggable jumper is just a two pin connector. You can find the PCB package for a 2 pin header and add it to PCB. However, as I mentioned in other threads of yours, if you do not include a schematic symbol for a 2 pin connector that has the PCB package that you want to use in the PCB assigned to it, then if you update the PCB either using **Update PCB...** in the Schematic Editor or **Import Changes...** in the PCB Editor, the package in your PCB will be deleted.
andyfierman 6 years ago
If you do this is the PCB you will have to split what was originally a single trace, into two. You will therefore have to rename one of the resulting nets. If you do this by adding the symbol to the Schematic, then when you update the PCB it will pull in the right PCB package and split and rename the net for you. You will have to place the imported package and retrack the split net.
Joseph Massimino 6 years ago
Andy, this touched on a topic that I was aware of, but don't know how it works, or how to use it to correct some things. That topic is nets.  I felt that I could take a part that got detached from its elements, and reattach it by editing either the net value, or some other value. It's too bad I can't find a book on this software that starts at very simple and goes into more complicated. I'm sure that once you get past two layers it can get really touchy, and has to be done perfectly, or there will be many problems.
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