You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Is it just me, or is the board outline a bit of a pita?
1611 5
martin 10 years ago
Hey there, I need to adjust the board outline for a board. The rounded corners make that a bit of a pain in the neck. I haven't found a better way than to move all the individual parts of the outline (which don't snap to the grid!) one by one. Is there better? If not, might I suggest going back to square outlines?
dillon 10 years ago
Hi Martin, Maybe you can remove the board outlines and create your own. Now we added Arc board outlines, just to make the users to know that they can use Arc as board outline. Maybe use square outlines are out of date. If you want to move the boardout line using arrow key, we guess that the users would like to move the board outline free. Do you have any good suggestions? Thanks.
martin 10 years ago
Hey Dillon, removing the default outline to create one's own isn't really a viable option, imho. Unless there are tools to quickly switch outlines. My take is that a rectangle is fine, but if we must go with the rounded corners, I think it is essential to change the primitive in a way that its parts aren't disjointed (ie, the corner vertices should be shared by both the corner and the straight line). Call it a "rounded rectangle" instead of 8 distinct pieces... In any event, I would always respect the grid snap for _everything_ (you saw my post about text). I would just use alternate UI methods to toggle when one needs freeform movement (you saw my private message about that :-)
dillon 10 years ago
Hi Martin, EasyEDA is hard to give right outline to the users, almost all of them should adjust the board outline. The default outline is just for ref. the defualt outline's area is 3/2 of all of your package's area. We will keep one Arc, others will be removed. so we just need 2 distinct pieces. Arc is just try to teach the users to understand that EasyEDA support arc as boardout line. We will support snap for all, and support your suggestd ALT key for precion move. Now the dev. team is focusing on the Libs. time cost jobs. BTW, does Mac has an Alt Key? thanks.
martin 10 years ago
Hey Dillon, I understand the motivation, but I think it's a mistake to provide less-than-ideal workflows as teaching tools. In reality, this should be a rounded rectangle that is more easily adjusted. There has to be another way to teach people (in-context video? I dunno). Still, I see your point. Who reads manuals?
dillon 10 years ago
> rounded rectangle that is more easily adjusted I forget to told that rounded rectangle is useless :). No EDA provide rounded rect, because it is harder to create Gerber files for PCB make. Really products' PCB board outlines are complex, it is far a round rect. We will keep an Arc to teach the users that EasyEDA supports Arc as board outline, just as you said few guys would like to read the help files. I think you will addjust the board outline easier next version. Thanks.
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