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Is it possible to replace packages on PCB?
2158 7
uncle.eugene 7 years ago
Hello! Let's say i have some schematic and according board routed using DIP IC's and thru-hole parts. And let's say i want to route smd version of the same board. Am i able to somehow change package type of part i use or replace parts itself to smd versions without losing all my netlist?
Summving 7 years ago
Hi Eugene, your IC on schmatic ,click package ![enter image description here][1] what package you need schematic and update to PCB. ![enter image description here][2] thanks. [1]: /editor/20170612/593de9d17b0f3.png [2]: /editor/20170612/593dea5c9186a.png
uncle.eugene 7 years ago
Thank you! So easy it turns out :)
andyfierman 7 years ago
There is a topic for this in `Tips and Skill`. :)
andyfierman 7 years ago
Updated to show the two ways to update the packages in the PCB:
Penoff 7 years ago
It would be great if we can change packages (footprint) in PCB editor as well. Let me explain why with an example. Example: 1) Design some schematic and convert to PCB 2) Design the PCB to some point 3) Add connection between components in the PCB editor and draw trace for it 4) Move part of silkscreen like the + sign of electrolytic capacitor for multiple components 5) Delete silkscreen element of a footprint (for example some pin name label) 6) Change a package (footprint) in the schematic editor (not the one from 5)) 7) Update the PCB with the change 8) You get all those moved silkscreen element back where the were originally, the new connection you added is gone and the delete silkscreen element is back. Then you need to fix again everything you have lost with the update of unrelated package (footprint).
support 7 years ago
![enter image description here][1] You can ungroup your package in PCB, after modify, then group again. [1]: /editor/20170614/5941410fcdbc9.png
andyfierman 7 years ago
I would caution against changing the PCB design separately from the Schematic: Editing the PCB so it is out of step with the Schematic will always cause problems unless there is a Back Annotation tool (EasyEDA only Forward Annotates). There is a risk of accidentally updating the PCB from what is then an out-of-date schematic (as you have described above) and so wiping out PCB work. It also means that the Schematic and the BoM generated from it no longer reflect the current state of the PCB.
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